Curriculum Vitae
Self-Employed Arizona
Treating individuals, couples, and families via telemedicine
Supervising future therapists
Education and consulting on sexual health and social justice issues
Center for Growth, Inc. Philadelphia, PA
Individual, Couple’s, and Sex Therapist
Director of Quality Assurance
Provided psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families with mental health diagnoses
Collaborated treatment with primary care physicians, gynecologists, and urologists
Supervised clinicians and ensuring ethical documentation of best practices
MCC: Warwick Family Services Malvern, PA
Family-Based Therapist
Provided family-based therapy using Eco-Systemic Structural Family Therapy model
Routinely assessed safety risks and responded to children in crisis
Trained in the Sanctuary Model for trauma-informed care
St. Alexius Medical Center Bismarck, ND
Behavioral Health Group Technician
Led therapeutic behavioral health groups to inpatient psychiatry patients
Assisted occupational therapists and nurses with direct patient care
Midtown Clinic at the University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE
Medical Family Therapist Intern
Provided behavioral health treatment based off of biopsychosocial assessments
Consulted with patients as part of the patient-centered medical home interdisciplinary team
Documented consultations and therapy sessions in medical EHRs
Training in Rural Mental Health Care (TRMHC) project Lincoln, NE
Therapist Intern
Offered mental health care via TeleHealth to rural communities
Collaborated with medical providers and traveled to rural communities monthly
Designed protocols for medical providers and students providing care in rural settings
Family Resource Center Lincoln, NE
Marriage and Family Therapist Intern
Strengthened individual and relational therapy competencies
Developed and implemented my personal theory of therapy integration
Psychoeducational Parenting Group Co-Facilitator
Coordinated with the other facilitators in developing objectives
Enhanced therapeutic micro-skills
Access of the Red River Valley Moorhead, MN
Direct Care Provider
Provided personal care for children with mental and behavioral health disabilities
Developed professionalism providing patience and empathy in work with families
AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Arizona License LMFT- 15390
Certificate in Medical Family Therapy
Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Pennsylvania License MF000944
Temple University Philadelphia, PA
Adjunct Instructor
Taught multiple sections of Statistics for Psychology
Created a safe place to ask questions and seek additional support outside of the classroom
Wrote syllabi utilizing multiple teaching methods to meet course objectives
Inspira Health Network Vineland, NJ
Family Life and Sexuality Education Specialist
Taught Carrera’s At-Promise Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Curriculum to groups of 9th grade students
Offered 1:1 support for the teens’ relationship and sexual decision-making development
American Medical Student Association Virtual Classroom
Sexual Health Scholars Program Facilitator
Facilitated online small group sessions with medical students
Drexel University College of Medicine Philadelphia, PA
Human Sexuality Seminar
Residency Training Program in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Coauthored curriculum for medical professionals to increase their comfort and competence addressing sexuality with their patients
Taught didactic seminar
Previous Presentations
Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and Gender Identity
Sexual Dysfunctions
Child and Adolescent Sexual Development
Medicalizing Innocence: How Healthcare Providers Address Adolesent Sexuality in Medicine
Doctoral dissertation proposal approved, IRB application in progress
Training in Rural Mental Health Care (TRMHC) Project Intern UNL
Graduate Research Assistant Dr. Richard Bischoff
Traveled and collaborated with medical providers to provide mental health care
Created protocols and a website for medical providers and training MFT students
Personality, Social and Emotion Lab NDSU
Undergraduate Research Assistant Dr. Michael D. Robinson
Administered studies and ran participants
Generated ideas for new studies
Interpreted data to fit original hypotheses on Object Relations theories
Visual Neuroscience Lab NDSU
Undergraduate Research Assistant Dr. Robert Gordon
Created visual scenes for studies
Collected data using eye-trackers then analyzed data using SPSS
Gilbertson Diamond, E. (2020). Genderbands. In T. Clark, T. Q. Gilbert, & K. Rayne (Eds.), Orientation: Teaching about Identity, Attraction & Behavior, 1. (pp. 65-76).
Gilbertson, E. P. (2017). Genderbands. In T. Clark, T. Q. Gilbert, & K. Rayne (Eds.), 25 Great Lesson Plans about Sexual Orientation. (pp. 143-154).
Fetterman, A. K, Robinson, M. D., & Gilbertson, E. P. (2014). Implicit self-importance in an interpersonal pronoun categorization task. Current Psychology, 33(2). 185-198. doi: 10.1007/s12144-014-9205-x
Doctor of Philosophy August 2021
Master of Education August 2015
Widener University
Master of Science August 2012
Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Post-Degree Certificate in Medical Family Therapy August 2012
North Dakota State University
Bachelor of Science in Psychology December 2009
Minor in Child Development Family Science
Graduated Magna Cum Laude